Excellence in Commercial Property Surveys and Land Valuations

Commercial Property Surveys & Land Valuations

Trusted for over 30 years for their skills and extensive experience in property valuation surveys, Brent Forbes is widely recognised and highly respected as a leading firm of RICS Chartered Surveyors covering Lancashire, Greater Manchester and the surrounding areas.

As well as our RICS accreditation and our years of skills and expertise in the field of Commercial Property Valuations, we also have an in-depth geographical knowledge of the North West of England. 

Our 30 years’ membership with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors means we are part of the world’s leading authority for professional standards, quality and ethics in land, property and construction. As part of our RICS membership, we are committed to continued professional development.

Alley with modern office buildings

Commercial Property Valuations

Whether you own or are looking to buy offices, industrial buildings, factories, shops, development land or any type of commercial property, Brent Forbes Chartered Surveyors can help you by providing an expert Commercial Property Valuation Report.

A modern office building

Premises for SIPP and SSAS Pension Fund Valuations

Our pension valuation service provides all types of property valuations for SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) and SSAS (Small Self-Administered Scheme). We can work with your purchase for any commercial property using a SIPP of SSAS fund.

Rent Reviews and Lease Renewals

Whether the lease is approaching its end date or there is a provision for a rent review partway through the term, this is where we can assist.

Valuations for Probate and Inheritance Tax

After an individual has passed away, it is usual for the deceased person’s family to ascertain a value of their assets and possessions (also known as their estate). Where an estate includes property, a Valuation Report will usually be required as part of the Probate process.

Aerial view of goods warehouse. Logistics centre in industrial city zone from above.

Specialist Valuations

Valuation reports are usually undertaken when purchasing a property or land. However, there are instances when a specialist report can assist and these include:

  • Boundary disputes
  • Ransom Strips
  • Backdated valuations for tax purposes
  • Off market disposals/ acquisitions
  • Compulsory valuations for acquisitions by Councils
  • Matrimonial valuations

…plus many more. If in doubt, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Valuation of Property for Matrimonial and Divorce Settlements

When a married couple decide to divorce it will be necessary to ensure that a fair financial settlement is reached. As the matrimonial home is usually a significant asset, its value will need to be agreed.

City skyline with green lawn in foreground

Land Valuations

Land can be a valuable commodity – especially if there is an interest in developing it into housing. There are two recognised approaches to the valuation of development land:

  • Comparison with the sale price of land for comparable development;
  • The residual method – which involves an assessment of the value of the scheme as completed and deduction of the costs of development (including developer’s profit) to arrive at the underlying land value.

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Brent Forbes Chartered Surveyors